Tuesday, December 6, 2016

ORIGINAL Cub Scout Tiger PRINTABLE Record Tracking and Organization Work Sheet for the New Program - Free - with Adventures and Cyber Chip and Award requirements to help Leaders and Parents

Tracking, planning, and recognition are so important in Cub Scouts.  This new tracking sheet will help you be able to keep track of where each boy is at towards the Tiger, Adventures, and Cyber Chip requirements.  I like to print this tracking sheet on cardstock, and I print one sheet for each boy to be kept in my leader binder next to their tracking sheet for their Religious Award.  I keep a different tab for every boy with all the tracking sheets (Age Group & Religious Award).  Then I have complete information on each boy.  It helps to do it this way if you do one requirement one week and a different one other weeks.  Not every boy is there every week.  By doing this, I can always know where each boy is at, and it is all in one place.  I keep a roll, and next to the roll I write down what we did that week, and then every couple of weeks I update all the tracking sheets for every boy.  If the parents ever have questions, I always have a place to look back at on the roll, and I can always copy each tracking sheet to show them where their boy is.  Thanks to Annaleis Smith from the Utah National Parks Council who shared this tracking sheet with us.

** PLEASE do not download these files and email or send them digitally to others.  These are for your personal use only.  If you would like to share these files with others, please copy the link to this post and send them to our site so they can print off their own.  We would love to have everyone that would like a copy to come here to print their own off absolutely free.  We receive money to keep our website open where we store all of our documents and PDF files by people visiting our blog.  Please don't take money out of our pockets by bypassing our blog.

  • To print this NEW for 2017 - Original Tiger Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print the 2015 - Original Tiger Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • CLICK HERE to see more ideas for Tiger Cubs
  • To print this NEW - Original Wolf Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print this NEW - Original Bear Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print this NEW - Original Webelos Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE

  • To open an Excel Spreadsheet to track TIGERS, similar to Cub Trax, CLICK HERE
  • To open an Excel Spreadsheet to track WOLVES, similar to Cub Trax, CLICK HERE
  • To open an Excel Spreadsheet to track the BEARS, similar to Cub Trax, CLICK HERE 
  • To open an Excel Spreadsheet to track the WEBELOS, similar to Cub TraxCLICK HERE 
  • To open an Excel Spreadsheet to track the ARROW OF LIGHT, similar to Cub TraxCLICK HERE 

  • To print the Faith in God Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To see all the tracking sheets, CLICK HERE

  • To print the 2015 Tiger Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print the 2015 Wolf Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE 
  • To print the 2015 Bear Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print the 2015 Webelos Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE    


ORIGINAL Cub Scout Wolf PRINTABLE Record Tracking and Organization Work Sheet for the New Program - Free - with Adventures and Cyber Chip and Award requirements to help Leaders and Parents

Tracking, planning, and recognition are so important in Cub Scouts.  This new tracking sheet will help you be able to keep track of where each boy is at towards the Wolf, Adventures, and Cyber Chip requirements.  I like to print this tracking sheet on cardstock, and I print one sheet for each boy to be kept in my leader binder next to their tracking sheet for their Religious Award.  I keep a different tab for every boy with all the tracking sheets (Age Group & Religious Award).  Then I have complete information on each boy.  It helps to do it this way if you do one requirement one week and a different one other weeks.  Not every boy is there every week.  By doing this, I can always know where each boy is at, and it is all in one place.  I keep a roll, and next to the roll I write down what we did that week, and then every couple of weeks I update all the tracking sheets for every boy.  If the parents ever have questions, I always have a place to look back at on the roll, and I can always copy each tracking sheet to show them where their boy is.  Thanks to Annaleis Smith from the Utah National Parks Council who shared this tracking sheet with us.

** PLEASE do not download these files and email or send them digitally to others.  These are for your personal use only.  If you would like to share these files with others, please copy the link to this post and send them to our site so they can print off their own.  We would love to have everyone that would like a copy to come here to print their own off absolutely free.  We receive money to keep our website open where we store all of our documents and PDF files by people visiting our blog.  Please don't take money out of our pockets by bypassing our blog.  Please help us keep all of this information free.

  • To print this NEW for 2017 - Original Wolf Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE 
  • To see other Wolf Tracking Sheets, CLICK HERE
  • To see all the Tracking Sheets, CLICK HERE

  • To print this NEW - Original Tiger Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print this NEW - Original Bear Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print this NEW - Original Webelos Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE

  • To print the Faith in God Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE

ORIGINAL Cub Scout Bear PRINTABLE Record Tracking and Organization Work Sheet for the New Program - Free - with Adventures and Cyber Chip and Award requirements to help Leaders and Parents

Tracking, planning, and recognition are so important in Cub Scouts.  This new tracking sheet will help you be able to keep track of where each boy is at towards the Bear, Adventures, and Cyber Chip requirements.  I like to print this tracking sheet on cardstock, and I print one sheet for each boy to be kept in my leader binder next to their tracking sheet for their Religious Award.  I keep a different tab for every boy with all the tracking sheets (Age Group & Religious Award).  Then I have complete information on each boy.  It helps to do it this way if you do one requirement one week and a different one other weeks.  Not every boy is there every week.  By doing this, I can always know where each boy is at, and it is all in one place.  I keep a roll, and next to the roll I write down what we did that week, and then every couple of weeks I update all the tracking sheets for every boy.  If the parents ever have questions, I always have a place to look back at on the roll, and I can always copy each tracking sheet to show them where their boy is.  Thanks to Annaleis Smith from the Utah National Parks Council who shared this tracking sheet with us.

** PLEASE do not download these files and email or send them digitally to others.  These are for your personal use only.  If you would like to share these files with others, please copy the link to this post and send them to our site so they can print off their own.  We would love to have everyone that would like a copy to come here to print their own off absolutely free.  We receive money to keep our website open where we store all of our documents and PDF files by people visiting our blog.  Please don't take money out of our pockets by bypassing our blog.

  • To print this NEW for 2017 - Original Bear Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE

  • To print the Faith in God Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To see other Bear Tracking Sheets, CLICK HERE
  • To see all the Tracking Sheets, CLICK HERE

  • To print the NEW - Original Tiger Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print the NEW - Original Wolf Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE
  • To print the NEW - Original Webelos Tracking Sheet, CLICK HERE

Monday, November 14, 2016

Arrow of Light Ceremonies - Akela's Life Story - Akela's Arrow of Light

To pin this, CLICK HERE 

EQUIPMENT: Ceremony board or log with three small candles and one large candle; tom-tom; artificial camp fire.
SETTING: Akela enters and walks behind the fire. Akela gives the Cub Scout sign and tom-tom beating stops.
NARRATOR: Akela was the big chief of the Webelos tribe; tall, stalwart, straight as an arrow, swift as an antelope, brave as a lion - he was fierce to an enemy but kind to a brother. Many trophies hung in his teepee. His father was the son of the great yellow sun in the sky. He was called the "Arrow Of Light" His mother, from whom he learned those wondrous things that mothers know was called "Kind Eyes". He began to understand the signs and calls of the Webelos tribe. Then he was taken on little trips to the forest among the great trees and streams. Here, from the Wolf he learned the language of the ground; the tracks and the ways to food. (At this point, Akela lights the small Wolf candle using the large candle)
AKELA: With this candle, representing the "Spirit of Akela" we light the trail of the Wolf. From the signs along the Wolf trail, I see the following braves are ready for advancement in the Wolf Clan of Akela's tribe. (Akela calls the names of the boys receiving Wolf badges and arrow points. They come forward and stand before the campfire. Akela presents awards.)
NARRATOR: Then from the big, kindly bears, he learned the secret names of the trees, the calls of the birds, the language of the air.

AKELA: (lighting the Bear candle) With the "Spirit of Akela" we light the Bear trail. From the signs along the Bear trail I see the following braves are ready for advancement into the Bear Clan of Akela's tribe. ( He calls forward the boys who are receiving Bear badges and arrow points)

NARRATOR: But before he could become a Scouting "brave" on his own, he had to prove himself by trying out new skills, performing certain tasks and passing tests of accomplishment.
AKELA: (Lighting the Webelos candle) With the "Spirit of Akela" we light the trail of the Webelos. From the signs along the Webelos trail, I see that the following braves have shown their skills in... (He calls the names of the boys receiving activity badges and indicates which badges they earned.)

NARRATOR: There Akela was required to pass the highest test of all. He must prove himself qualified to wear his father's name "Arrow of Light".

AKELA: From the signs further on down the Webelos trail, I see that the following braves have proven themselves worthy to wear the "Arrow of Light", the highest award in Akela's tribe. (He calls forward the boys who have earned the Arrow of Light Award.) (Drum stops) From the four winds, Akela hears that you braves are doing well along the trails that will lead you into Boy Scouting and the highest trail of all, that of Eagle. Now will all Cub Scouts stand and repeat with me the Cub Scout Promise.

PERSONNEL: Cubmaster, narrator, boys, parents, two people to work the room lights and spotlight, drummer.

EQUIPMENT: Webelos prop stand, Arrow of Light with stand, The Official Boy Scout Handbook, Boy Scout Eagle badge poster, council fire, spotlight, drum.

CUBMASTER: Tonight we have the special privilege of witnessing the presentation of the most sought - after award in Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light.
(Lights are turned out, a drum beats slowly, the campfire is lit.)

NARRATOR: I, Akela, have heard the drums speak. I call to the council fire Webelos Scouts [names], and their parents. Gather around this campfire so that the other braves may look upon you. I, Akela, have heard of your great achievements and have brought for you the reward of your deeds. Look upon the symbol that stands beside you. (Spotlight on the Webelos prop stand.)

It is empty, and before you lie symbols placed here by your leaders. I, Akela, say to you Webelos Scout [name], pick up the green arrow and place it in the left portion of the stand. Now with your left hand on the arrow, give the Cub Scout sign. Do you promise to continue to follow the trail of the Eagle, wherever it may lead you? If you do, say, I do promise.

(If more than one, say, "Do each of you promise?")

Webelos Scout [name],  pick up the red arrow and place it in the right portion of the stand. With your left hand on the arrow, give the Scout sign. Do you now promise to obey the Scout Oath? Now, Webelos Scout [name], pick up the yellow arrow and place it in the center of the stand. With your left hand upon the shaft, give the Scout sign. Do you promise to be forever trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent? If you do, say, I do so promise.
(If more than one, have all give sign and ask them to repeat, We do so promise.)

Now as you look at this Webelos symbol, you see that it resembles the Scout sign.  Like your three outstretched fingers, it stands for the three parts of the Scout Oath. The sides of the fleur-de-lis are like your thumb and little finger that, when brought together, stand for the bond that ties all Scouts together. Now you are ready to receive the highest award of Cub Scouting, the Arrow of Light.  Before you stands the Arrow of Light. Within the teepee of many braves, this symbol has an honored place. Its shaft is straight and narrow - just as the path that you should follow throughout your life. Its tip points the way - the way to success in all that you do. It is pointing to the right - a symbol  that nothing should be left undone; if it is within your power to do it, see that it is done. And lastly, the symbol of the seven rays of the sun - one for each day of the week to remind you that every day is a new day, a day to do your best in everything. A day to honor your God and your country, to do your Good Turn, a new chance to follow the Scout law and to remember these words: ON MY HONOR.

Will Cubmaster [name] hand to the parents the Boy Scout Handbook and have them pin upon their boy the Arrow of Light. Now the boys will pin upon their mom or dad the miniature Arrow of Light, and give them a big hug and kiss for all their help.
Will Cubmaster [name] hand to the boys the ceremonial Arrow of Light.

CUBMASTER: Each boy will hold the Arrow of Light and pass it to the next.  Now that you have received the Arrow of Light, let its light shine forth from you. Promise now to set an example for others to follow in your footsteps, set your eye on the Eagle (spotlight on Eagle poster) and never waiver. Do you so promise?

CANDIDATES: We promise.

NARRATOR: I, Akela, say you are now full-fledged Arrow of Light holders.

I found these amazing Arrow of Light Ceremonies and had to share.  They can be found here...  http://truongson.org/M_AuDoanNam_AOL.asp

To see more Arrow of Light ideas, CLICK HERE

Friday, October 14, 2016

Why I Went to Akela’s Council “Back Then” and Why I Go Now ~ By Annette Ward Apr 13, 2016

My husband and I had just moved to Mona, Utah after having lived over thirty years in Farmington, Utah. My first position or call in our new LDS ward was to be a Webelos leader.  I can’t say I was overjoyed. But, being the mother of seven boys, the program wasn’t completely unfamiliar.  In Farmington, I had been a Wolf or Bear leader several times. There was no training.  No instructions. It was simply a passing on of a couple of books and records.  We had weekly den meetings and attended pack meeting once a month. It was all okay. The activities were fun and even useful for the boys. I would not have considered it a life changing experience for the boys…or for me, but we did it.
So, that was the attitude I went into as the Webelos leader.  I knew a little and enjoyed the boys. Mostly, I depended on the other leader. That’s what I did for three months and I was released and moved on to work with the Young Women in the ward. That lasted for about nine months and I was called to be the Cubmaster.
I was not a happy camper.  My heart was broken and I resented being back into Cub Scouts for numerous reasons, but I did it. I “played” Cubmaster, as uncomfortable as it was. I also attended roundtable.  I loved the boys and after a few months gained a testimony that Cub Scouting could make a positive difference in the lives of young boys. Although I was unsure how to go about it, I knew it could happen.
Fortunately, I have two amazing daughters along with those seven boys. One daughter and her husband met at Scout Camp in Idaho. They seemed to be drawn into the program wherever they lived.  She was serving in Cub Scouts and was my mentor, and she tried her best to convince me to follow her to Akela’s Council. It was costly. I’d be leaving my garden and animals for nearly a week. She persisted, informing me of scholarships available from most stakes. I checked with the bishopric and they thought our stake would pay for half the cost. Finally, I relented, registered a little late and attended Akela’s Council 29.  As it turns out, it was by far the best Scouting decision I ever, ever made.
Tamara, my daughter, found others to carpool with to AC29. I was only about an hour away, so I packed up my car early in the morning and drove down. I was nervous and hoping Tamara and I could be together while there. She was the reason I was going, to do something with my daughter.
That reason soon changed. Although my daughter and I tented together, we didn’t work closely during the day. That was good, because I had to stand on my own. It didn’t take long until the early mornings, late nights and “more than one could digest” days were filled with laughing, creating, learning, and endearing friendships.   Many of these friendships continue, especially as we support each other in the Scouting adventure
One of the highlights of Akela’s Council was rubbing shoulders with some of the happiest, most enthusiastic, and knowledgeable people in Cub Scouting. I’ve come to discover that people involved and committed to Cubs are some of the happiest people in the world. Rubbing shoulders all day with committed Cub Scouters was the greatest. Scouters who really did love the Cub Scout program. They shared their love of Scouting and how it could build and bless the lives of young boys and it was fun. These wonderful leaders were directing, teaching, and enabling me to become a more committed, knowledgeable, fun Cubmaster and to love it all.  I was learning the “how,” while having a blast.
I have since been released from Cub Scouts. I have served on Akela’s Council staff two times and this year will be my third, AC32.  I volunteer at Roundtable. I’ve gone to Wood Badge.  Because of Akela’s Council, Cub Scouting is now a choice. A choice because I recognize the potential it has to build responsible boys—boys with character and purpose.  It is part of the pathway for LDS boys to become righteous priesthood holders, husbands and fathers. When implemented properly, the potential for building boys of ANY faith is only limited by the commitment, knowledge and love of the leaders.
I originally went to Akela’s Council because of my daughter. Now, I go to share Cub Scout Spirit, to help other leaders gain tools for having fun and working with the boys and to continue learning.  I was called to serve and now I choose to serve.  Every boy deserves a trained leader and Akela’s Council is the pinnacle of Cub Scout training.

Author: Annette Ward | Assistant Roundtable Commissioner and Merit Badge Counselor in the Mt. Nebo District

This post was copied from the Blog of the Utah National Parks Council. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Cub Scout Craft - Oath & Law Cards

A special thank you to Michaun Torgersen who is in the Utah National Parks Council, Black Diamond district (Spanish fork area) for donating this amazing artwork, and to Mary Halvorson from the Hobble Creek District for this beautiful and fun craft idea.

These wall hangings or ornaments are a fun way for boys to become familiar with the Scout Oath or Scout Law. They can be made from the PDF's shared here or you can have the boys write them with their own handwriting. Print or write the oath/law on cardstock and then glue it to a piece of cardboard that is the same size. It needs the strength of the cardboard to support the sticks. Cub Scouts will have fun finding sticks to use for the frame. Cut sticks to appropriate lengths using garden pruners and glue into place with hot glue. You can add decorative stitching after the sticks are glued into place using a small cord or waxed string and a large eyed needle. You may choose to add just a few stitches on each side or do continuous stitching all the way around. If you do stitching you will want to punch your holes with the needle and then sew through the holes. This will help get your stitches where you want them much easier! Embellishments such as a paracord square knot, a few beads and a charm, mini pinecones or other items from nature may be added. There are really no rules. KISMIF

Pin It!  https://www.pinterest.com/pin/565694403179136297/


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Ugly Pumpkin Skit - A great Cub Scout skit for Halloween

All the boys are sitting around with their arms wrapped around their knees (acting like a PUMPKIN) In front of a sign that says "PUMPKIN PATCH" 
Pumpkin 1: Man I HATE Halloween!
Pumpkin 2: Ya, me too. 
Pumpkin 3: Why - what's the matter with halloween? 
Pumpkin 4: You guys break the news to the new guy.... 
Pumpkin 5: First, they cut off your vine! (PUMPKIN 2 looks worried) 
Pumpkin 6: ya, then they cut your head open! (PUMPKIN 2 GRABS HIS HEAD) 
Pumpkin 7: and pull out your guts! (PUMPKIN 2 GRABS HIS TUMMY) 
Pumpkin 8: then they cut you up with a saw! 
Pumpkin 9: or a knife! 
Pumpkin 10: or a drill! 
Pumpkin 11: THEN they put a candle in you to light you up! 
Pumpkin 12: and leave you on the porch to rot for months!! 
Pumpkin 3 (looking scared to death): NO WAY! How do we get out of it? 
Pumpkin 4: QUIET EVERYONE - I know a way - just be as UGLY as possible, then they won't pick you! 
ALL Pumpkins: OK - ya, let's do that! (Two people enter the stage) 
The pumpkins all say: shhhhh - here come some people everyone - BE UGLY! (The two people walk around the pumpkin patch shopping for a pumpkin) 
Shopper 1: man, all of these pumpkins are TOO ugly for halloween! 
Shopper 2: Ya, These pumpkins are REALLY ugly! 
Shopper 1: Even too ugly for a jack-o-lantern! 
Shopper 2: Ya, let's go look somewhere else! (all the pumpkins are giving each other the thumbs up and a WHEW!) 
Then Shopper 1 turns around and says: WAIT! They will be perfect for PUMPKIN PIE! 
All the pumpkins scream in pain! NOOOOOOOOOOO!

Pin It - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/565694403178986430/

found at http://www.scoutorama.com/the-ugly-halloween-pumpkin-skit and http://cubscoutideas.com/3642/cub-scout-halloween-skits/

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Arrow of Light Plaque

A special thank you to Stephanie Ellinger in the Hobble Creek District, Utah National Parks Council for letting us post her great idea.

Pin It - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/565694403178895542/

We are making another Arrow of Light Plaque for a boy in our pack. I thought I'd share a picture of what we've done. These boys work incredibly hard for three years of cub scouts to get this. I get the pins and badges from the parents and buy a couple of patches as "fillers". The sun and arrow are just cut vinyl and we screw in hooks to hang the actual arrow. The boys really look forward to getting this and it's a big motivator for them.

To see more Arrow of Light ideas, CLICK HERE

Friday, July 15, 2016

Tarzan of the Apes - Cub Scout Song - Words for Tarzan of the Apes - How to Sing Tarzan of the Apes

Here is a great Cub Scout song - Tongan style. Tarzan of the Apes. Enjoy. There is always something amazing to learn at Akela's Council Cub Scout Leader Training.

Tarzan of the Apes - is a great song for Cub Scouts. The words to the song are below. Use cub scout songs to add fun to your Pack Meetings, Den Meetings, Day Camp, as your boys are camping or goofing off. This video is to help Cub Scout Leaders learn some fun songs to sing with their boys. Make sure your cub scouts have lots of opportunity to learn and use a variety of songs in your scouting program.

Tarzan of the Apes
I love bananas, coconuts, and grapes
I love bananas, coconuts, and grapes
I love bananas, coconuts, and grapes
That's why they call me Tarzan of the Apes

For the link to the video on facebook, click here... https://www.facebook.com/AkelasCouncil/videos/1298588246825007/?hc_location=ufi To see more cub scout songs that can be found on our blog, click here...http://akelascouncil.blogspot.com/search/label/Songs

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Choogie-Oogie-Boogie - Cub Scout Song - Words for Choogie-Oogie-Boogie - How to Sing Choogie-Oogie-Boogie

Choogie-Oogie-Boogie - is a great song for Cub Scouts. The words to the song are below. Use cub scout songs to add fun to your Pack Meetings, Den Meetings, Day Camp, as your boys are camping or goofing off. This video is to help Cub Scout Leaders learn some fun songs to sing with their boys. Make sure your cub scouts have lots of opportunity to learn and use a variety of songs in your scouting program.

Hey! ___________ ,
You’re some real cool cats!
You’ve got a lot of this and a lot of that!
So stand right up and do the choogie-oogie-boogie!
Aaand Up! Choogie-oogie, choogie-oogie.
Aaand Down! Choogie-oogie, choogie-oogie.
To the left! Choogie-oogie, choogie-oogie.
To the right! Choogie-oogie, choogie-oogie.
(Repeat with other names. Dance with arms going up, then down, then to the left, and finally to the right as indicated in song.)
To see more cub scout songs that can be found on our blog, click here...http://akelascouncil.blogspot.com/search/label/Songs

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Elephants Have Wrinkles - Cub Scout Song - Words for Elephants Have Wrinkles - How to Sing Elephants Have Wrinkles

Elephants Have Wrinkles - is a great song for Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts. The kids love to sing it for Pack Meetings, Den Meetings, Day Camps, as they are camping or goofing off. This video is to help Cub Scout Leaders learn some fun songs to sing with their boys.

Elephants Have Wrinkles
(Join in circle, arms around shoulders, head down. The circle will move to the left, placing right toe behind left heel and stepping to the left.)
(Begin by moving in circle to left)
Elephants have wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles
Elephants have wrinkles, wrinkles everywhere. HEY!
(Repeat chorus while moving in circle to right)
(Repeat after the leader)
Down in their toes…(hands on toes)*
I don’t know why…(hands in the air, then Chorus)
*(Continue to add one line at a time followed by Chorus)
Up in their knees…(hands on knees)
Back in their seat…(hands on bottom)
Out in their ears…(thumbs in ears, waggle hands)
Out in their nose…(line up spread hands with thumb to nose)
(End with Chorus each time)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Alice the Camel - Cub Scout Song - Words for Alice the Camel - How to Sing Alice the Camel

Alice the Camel is a great Cub Scout song.  It is perfect to sing at Pack Meeting, Den Meetings, Day Camps, Camping, or just goofing off.  The link is below to see how to sing Alice the Camel.

Alice the Camel
Alice the camel has five humps,
Alice the camel has five humps,
Alice the camel has five humps,
So go, Alice, go ----
Boom, boom, boom (bump hips with people next to you)
Alice the camel has four humps…
Alice the camel has three humps..
(And so on, until you get to…)
Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,
Alice the camel has no humps,
‘Cause Alice is a horse. (of course)